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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Envelope Making!

Have you ever wished you could make your own envelope?  No, that's just me? Have you ever wanted to make an odd size card, but you couldn't because you wouldn't have an envelope?  Well, we're making envelopes today with the Envelope Punch Board.
On the board there is a chart that shows the card size, what size paper you need for the envelope and the number you score at.  You line the paper up on that score line, punch down on the knob and score on the line.  Make a 1/4 turn and repeat until you have all 4 sides.
Then fold on score lines and and use adhesive to put it together.
We did it!  An envelope for a 3 x 3 card.!

Envelope Punch Board (which comes with a scoring tool)
Stampin' Up scoring tool
White cardstock (not SU, GASP!) You can use SU, I just like to save it for the cards.
 Adhesive-a strong one so the envelope doesn't come apart.

Happy envelope making!

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